
The Last Barrier: Confessions of A White Male in America

Contributor / [email protected]


If HATRED is not caused by touch, taste, smell or hearing it must be caused by seeing something or, specifically, someone. An African-American, when seen by too many White-Americans, causes mistrust, dislike, resentment and fear leading to the hatred which could trigger violence.

Skin color quickly places individuals in a particular racial group but CANNOT show the individual’s skills, IQ, wealth, religious, political, other beliefs and characteristics, or if he or she is “good” or “bad”.

Despite three-hundred seventy five years of EXCLUSIONARY traditions, practices, brutality and restrictive laws, We The Whiteys (WTW) in America CONTINUE TO FEAR African-Americans will take our jobs, “pollute” our race and totally dominate the so-called music industry and most professional sports.

The uncountable ways and means of racial prejudice by WTW in America toward African-Americans is like a continuously spreading venereal disease. Not a day goes by without a new report of a new way, or the same old way, of degrading and dehumanizing an individual or group of individuals whose skin color is not the same as those in all white college fraternities or white owned restaurants. And who cares if the individual subjected to the degradation and dehumanizing is smarter than all of the members of a fraternity combined or has the cash to buy a restaurant chain?

It only matters his or her skin is not white.

[blockquote align=”right” author=””]We The Whiteys (WTW) in America CONTINUE TO FEAR African-Americans will take our jobs, “pollute” our race and totally dominate the so-called music industry and most professional sports.[/blockquote]How many and what kinds of volumes have detailed and analyzed the disgraceful and WRONG effects of the never ending degradation and dehumanization of African-Americans by WTW in America: And to what effect?
Religion, formal education and legislation have little changed the “American Dilemma”.

Sad Truths…

The citizens of the state of Mississippi did not ratify the 13th Amendment (Abolishing Slavery) to the U. S. Constitution until 1995 – 130 years AFTER it was adopted by the U.S. Congress.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964, more than fifty years later, is still not fully implemented.

When most of us enter our house, apartment or room, we are in our PRIVATE place, free to do whatever we may choose or not. Close the door and un-invited intrusions into all activities unique to each of us are sealed off. This along with our ability to not respond to e-mails, text messages, ringing phones or other attempted intrusions constitutes a FINAL BARRIER.

Without a court order a legitimate outside party cannot discover what an individual or family does “behind closed doors”.

Thus, it is in the FAMILY, long revered by he white majority in America as the FOUNDATION of America, where ACQUIRED characteristics determine how young children and adolescents who later as adults will act in any given circumstance. Being born into and raised by a family where words and actions show and thus teach a child from earliest developmental stages to mistrust, dislike, resent, fear and hate another individual or group of like individuals because of skin color still seems as the ‘way, truth and light’.

And then he or she leaves said family, to repeat the process.

The family is therefore no less than THE LAST BARRIER behind which the “Gospel” of racial prejudice is part of family life. And depending upon one’s point of view it is either too bad or just great when such family teachings are reinforced by social contact in non-classroom settings throughout educational institutions in America.

This ignorance fueled mistrust, dislike, resentment, fear and resulting hatred of an individual or group of like individuals, which could result in hostility and violence can only be ACQUIRED: NOT included in every newborn’s DNA.

[blockquote align=”none” author=””]Presently, NO political office holder or candidate, religious leader, corporate executive, celebrity, philanthropist or ordinary American citizen has publicly defined an ATTAINABLE solution to this truly awful ACQUIRED and ongoing Problem of Democracy.[/blockquote]

Without a solution to the unending IGNORANCE, mistrust, dislike, resentment, fear and HATRED emanating from within THE LAST BARRIER, like the incessant drum beat by a galley slaver’s coxswain, may drive all of us — irrespective of race, toward events with the potential for catastrophe not seen before in America.

And thus, the bright summer promise of 1776 now seems more than anything else the dark winter of our deception.



DAVE HENRIE / Contributor
One of WTW

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