Water is Life

Every single day as humans we consume, and or use water. With that being said how can anyone have a logical thought, to endanger the very substance that is crucial to our existence.

What is life without the necessary essentials like water. Not much of a life is it?

As of recently we have all become aware of the battle to preserve clean water, and the sacred land of Standing Rock, the Native American Reservation in North Dakota. The acts to install the Dakota access pipeline are simply inhumane. The way that government officials are carrying out their method of enforcement at the peaceful protests at Standing Rock are a blatant violation of civil rights.

No person should be treated in that manner of being shot at with rubber bullets, or the skin being blasted off their bones with the very water they’re fighting to preserve. Something has got to give, we as people and collectively as a country, should want to do better for the people that inhabited the place we call home long before we could call it that.




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