I read all too often – on social media – about rebuilding “Black Wall Street”, however, that task (if achieved), will most likely be met with the same, or a similar disastrous end, unless we take steps to prevent that from ever happening again. I’m certain that, if I’ve peaked your curiosity – at this point – you’re wondering: “how can we achieve the goals to ensure the safe, and continued operation, of any such future endeavors”? Well…I’m glad you asked…here’s my plan!
We need to to start with the MOST visible groups (who may, or may not, deserve the bad reputations they’ve gotten labeled with), the gang-members, that are known as the Bloods and the Crypts! Once we get these brothers on board, and they start rallying other members, we will reinvent what they mean to modern society. We will need any (and all), clergy – from every respected faith that they’d be willing to meet with, and who’d be willing to participate in – helping to conduct a peace council, and negotiating for a written treaty of peace that would be adhered to – by both rivals – signed, and upheld as the new normal for these two factions – which will serve as a bond, or truce between them.
Once that is done, we will need to ask them to become reformed, reorganized, and re-educated, in order to recruit new membership, towards becoming a (PAID) well-trained, and disciplined paramilitary units (similar to the Fruit of Islam, Black Panthers, or guardian Angels), so that they can provide protection within our communities – as we rebuild Black Wall Street, or any wealth building platforms. The funding for this endeavor would come from the contributions that would be made by the private donors, who want to see this type of effort achieved, and our streets made safer, and kept safe, by the same individuals who were once considered the source of what is to be feared in our neighborhoods.
They would understand and dedicate themselves to that obligation, and be just as willing to lay down their lives for this new endeavor – as they were for the issues that they battled over (in their former lives), as gang-members. In essence, they would become the tribal law enforcement units – and we would urge every willing Black law scholar, and official, to get behind this effort to help create this protectorate arm of – and for – the Black community!
This way we can prevent any of the jealous White extremists, (CIA, FBI, KKK, and local POLICE offers), who would attempt to intimidate, or harass, the prospective up and coming entrepreneurs – who’ll use their financial savvy to uplift us, from the lower to the upper socioeconomic strata!
WE ALL (diaspora) – as soon as humanly possible – need to divest from any of the Rothschild networked savings and lending institutions, and reinvest into (and with), Black owned banks – and investment houses! This type of strong move en masse, will let “them” see that they can no longer use us (or our investment savings) for any short, or long, term basis’s – and then deny us the right to obtain loans for home ownership, and business opportunities!
One of the major barriers to achieving the goals of self determination, and establishing a stable source of economic wealth (in America), has been largely due our having no national identities – and an allegiances to a “homeland”, or base that we can be nationalized, extradited, deported, or relocated to; under any circumstances that would necessitate such a move.
The present generation of the diaspora are the descendants of the slave trade, born of the mixed-breed offspring heritage that resulted from rape and incest. We are the bastardized children of the efforts to produce more heads of chattel, that would be owned and bartered, by plantations owners (and slave traders), who would profit from every aspect of our lives – round the clock – with our free labor – and to appease and satisfy their sickening deviant sexual whims – at the expense of our ancestors, including our men, women, and children.
NOW, In order to reclaim our birth-rights, and a legitimate ancestry (since no formal records were kept of our family connections, as there were for willing immigrants, at Ellis island), we must use the only available means to identify our kinsmen, and establish a true tribal community. Every Black must be willing to have the matriarchal DNA test conducted, to identify the exact ancestral region of origin, that their highest percentages of our genetic markers breakdowns reveals, where we would have been a part of that geographical region’s tribal society – had it not been for the forced migration of the transatlantic slave trade.
Once this is achieved, we MUST file for a new citizen or resident status here, which is legally provided for under the treaty of 1866. Article 4, of the treaty states that: “The said nations further agree that all negroes, not otherwise disqualified or disabled, shall be competent witnesses in all civil and criminal suits and proceedings in the Choctaw and Chickasaw courts, any law to the contrary notwithstanding; and they fully recognize the right of the freedmen to a fair remuneration on reasonable and equitable contracts for their labor, which the law should aid them to enforce. And they agree, on the part of their respective nations, that all laws shall be equal in their operation upon Choctaws, Chickasaws, and negroes, and that no distinction affecting the latter shall at any time be made, and that they shall be treated with kindness and be protected against injury; and they further agree, that while the said freedmen, now in the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations, remain in said nations, respectively, they shall be entitled to as much land as they may cultivate for the support of themselves and families, in cases where they do not support themselves and families by hiring, not interfering with existing improvements without the consent of the occupant, it being understood that in the event of the making of the laws, rules, and regulations aforesaid, the forty acres aforesaid shall stand in place of the land cultivated as last aforesaid.”
In a nutshell, this article – within the treaty – illustrates our ability, and rights, to own and control the land granted to the “freed men”, who are entitled to cultivate a “forty acres” of land for the support of themselves and their families! As a family, united under the banner of the displaced tribal societies of the specific region, or country within Africa, that your DNA shows the closest connections – to identifying your ancestral homeland, we would claim the sovereign rights under the newly established charter, and articles of incorporation, as a nationalized group – who will be protected under the same treatise entitlement,s as the law allows for the “freed men (and women)”, who are making the claim for independent sovereignty – and the ability to self-govern – as the indigenous tribal natio- ns living on reservations, ruled by the independent national Constitutions and by-laws, affecting their existence, and right to live apart from the rule of law – under the corporation of the United States of America.
This is our birth-right, and we MUST move towards a nation of self-reliance, and independence, so that we can rebuild BLACK WALL STREET, and ensure that it becomes the economic power house that will surpass any Rothschild connected institution. Yet, we need all members of our community to ban together, to see this plan fulfilled. In particular, those more affluent Blacks, who own and control vast sums, which can be put towards the initial investments to get the DNA testing done for all those interested individuals.
Well thought out.
I am in for the long haul
I’m in! Very well thought out. Thank you
I’m agree and all in.
Agree 100%!