VERY RARE Footage of Black Wall Street, Before The 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre

Published on July 3, 2017 by

If you haven’t heard of the 1921 Tulsa Race Riot, it was an event when on May 31 – June 1, 1921, a white mob attacked residents and businesses of the African-American community of Greenwood in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

This area was also known as Black Wall Street.

As part of a new documentary from the Smithsonian Channel, a rare, brand-new footage of Black Wall Street was uncovered after not seeing the light of day for more than 50 years! Also part of this footage is the only known color video of the day of the Riots.

Never forget your history…

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Betty Vegas
7 years ago

This was not all that happened to this city in Oklahoma , it was not just the riots of white folks killing and destroying blacks it was also the government dropping bombs on the city destroying the neighborhoods . They had to have mass graves because they had killed between 3000 and 4000 blacks. So if the story is to be told tell all of it. Thank you

Earl Rogers Jr
7 years ago
Reply to  Betty Vegas

Thank you Betty, I was also aware of that information. It was the Army Air National Guard Who dropped the bomb On black American citizens.

7 years ago
Reply to  Earl Rogers Jr


Gregory Harvey
7 years ago
Reply to  Earl Rogers Jr

Our military? Murdered us

5 years ago
Reply to  Gregory Harvey

You sound SURPRISED?!!!

7 years ago
Reply to  Earl Rogers Jr

What! This was hidden all this time?!

Job 12:22!

Cliet Wilburn
5 years ago
Reply to  Earl Rogers Jr

Where was this Army Air Force located?

Gregory Harvey
7 years ago
Reply to  Betty Vegas

I didn’t know that??? It’s sad too say that we don’t see a large black community like this anymore? White folks suppressed black people for so long; in America through ( Discrimination) (segregation)( teaching inferior education). I wish we could see a better change-

Gregory Harvey
7 years ago
Reply to  Betty Vegas

I’d like too see black folks get back on track as a conglomerate-business once again???

4 years ago
Reply to  Gregory Harvey

It is IU ts just called Atlanta Goergia now

Jack oils
5 years ago
Reply to  Betty Vegas

Thanks for sharing…!

Rebecca Dewinter
5 years ago
Reply to  Betty Vegas

Oh, how awful!

7 years ago

I am so sick of people calling this a “RACE RIOT” instead of what it really was, This was not a RACE RIOT no matter what they try to make you believe. This was a DAM MASSACRE done by HOMEGROWN TERRORIST and that’s the FACTS… No one wants to call it that because then we would have to deal with the situation completely different..

7 years ago
Reply to  Craig

Very well stated.

Gregory Harvey
7 years ago
Reply to  Craig

That is 100% correct..

6 years ago
Reply to  Craig

Thank you Gregory, it’s exactly what it was and continues to be … just a different method. And Amy above seems to think white people were and are being racially profile when they have proven relentlessly and repeatedly to be evil, hateful, despicable, incapable of looming beyond their skin color tho king that it makes them priviledge and entitle to some kind of respect or biting of the tongue. It was White people who started the racial divide and now want us to have a Kumbaya moment and forget. Priviledge to them is STILL being perpetuate by a white good ole boy U.S. Government extending seats for their kind to continue to STEAL seats that they don’t deserve and glossing over their poor treatment of others.

7 years ago

Fact is: white people cant stand seeing blacks prosper. It irks their last nerve. But guess what all my Anglo Saxon friends: black success is inevitable, get over it.

7 years ago
Reply to  Dan

Not all white people are the same. The comment that you made “white people can’t stand seeing blacks prosper” is a comment that has never went through my mind. My mother brought me out to look at people for their character, and for their love of one another. To me there are sorry people of all colors, and if anyone wants to be successful all people need to do is put their mind to it and work for it.

7 years ago
Reply to  Joey

You are correct, he should say racist white people.

Ruth Ferguson
7 years ago
Reply to  Joey


Ruth Ferguson
7 years ago
Reply to  Dan

You are drastically messed up, sir.
We were told to work together for the good of all.
There was to be no status difference in the new kingdom Jesus came to establish. “Go and sell all you own and divided the proceeds among the Prophets and Apostles (or something close to those words.) Didn’t work out very well, so far, for certain. But Jesus’ message was to be ” told far and wide.” By the apostles and their converts.

James Lemos
7 years ago
Reply to  Ruth Ferguson

Actually Jesus only came to teach the Jews. He didn’t want his words taught to gentiles. It was the Apostle Paul who really wasn’t an apostle of Jesus that started teaching Jesus’ teaching to non jews, which caused problems among the other apostles cause Jesus did not wan to teach the gentiles.

Sumner Lark
7 years ago
Reply to  Dan

What is often lost in the story of the area called the ‘Black Wall Street’ is that the area was rebuilt after the Tulsa riots. and thrived for a few years. What killed it permanently was the end of segregation. The businessman thrived because they had a dedicated customer base that had nowhere else to go to buy or rent. When the opportunity to live elsewhere presented itself, they did. Many going to where they could find better jobs. The Auto and Motown era in Detroit was started by the children of those who moved north from Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi and Oklahoma. In modern days we had ‘white flight’ from neighborhoods followed by ‘newly prosperous Blacks’ flight . Those who focused on their education and got better jobs stopped going back to their old neighborhoods to live. They wanted the public status of achievement and that meant , house in the suburbs’ away from ‘bad influences’. Many grew up with only white friends. Didn’t want to hear about the CR movement. Now they follow Colin like a martyr and declare that racism still exists like a revelation. Their dumb butts wanted to believe that it went away.

Gregory Harvey
7 years ago
Reply to  Sumner Lark

Well said ! Summer Lark. I notice in today’s economic instances > ( Vietnamese) ( Mexicans) ( white) etc . All of those I just mention are prospering and growing as well, because they spend their money and do business within there { community}.. Unfortunately Black people have gone through much turmoil throughout history; you just don’t see this anymore.

4 years ago
Reply to  Sumner Lark

Not only segregation but Urban Renewal (Urban Removal). Urban Renewal came and raped the community of land and buildings making it impossible to ever have a Black business district again.They tore down structural sound buildings and made the area what was once Commercial property into residential property. Not only did this happen to the Black Wall Street district but major thoroughfares suffered the same fate. Businesses that once lined the main arterials streets in the Black community were torn down and made residential property.Home owner were paid below market value for their homes. Most weren’t paid enough for their property to purchase new homes.They went from being home owners to renters. North Tulsa has never recovered.

Rob Mac
7 years ago
Reply to  Dan

Hell Yeah, So get Ready for a Rude Awakening! Cause It’s Comming! Lol!

Steven Osburn
5 years ago
Reply to  Dan

It all took place on two adjacent Indian reservations that meet north of downtown Tulsa. Creek Nation and Cherokee Nation.

7 years ago

Its amazing how people say, all you have to do is put your mind to it. You must meam White people must put their mind to it. Did you not see rhe same video I just saw. Where those black people put their minds to it and where SLAUGHTERED for putting their minds to it… There will never be peace for Blacks in America, because there is to much Guilt and Shame by those in Power….

7 years ago
Reply to  Theresa

Theresa, concur wholeheartedly!!!! Until the white accepts his savagery and acknowledges he fanned the flames of hate for generations, nothing will change!!! You’re positively, absolutely RIGHT……

Paul Crossgrove
7 years ago

I am not a ‘spammer’.

The white man’s god is the Black man’s oppressor, neither of whom has done anything for you ever.

7 years ago

Ethiopia is in Africa and has always serve the Lord Jesus or Yeshua from the beginning and the only country that the white man didn t touch out of all the counties in Africa. So it’s not the white man God . But when you are unlearned and have not experienced Jesus for your self that’s the thing you come out your mouth you need to be born-again.

7 years ago
Reply to  Darnell

Thank you.

7 years ago
Reply to  Darnell

Stop lying. Christianity reached Ethiopia in the 4-7 century A.D Ethiopia knew nothing of Christianity or Jesus/Yashua. The beginning of what? You don’t even know the beginning of Ethiopia history. So you can’t say it’s been their since the beginning.

Ruth Ferguson
7 years ago
Reply to  Asarmaatra

I learned this on National Geographic or History channels, can’t remember which. This was probably 13 or 14 years ago. There is a large, centuries-old “family” of African people, and no I don’t know what State they live in, in Africa, that practice the nearly identical rituals and customs, read the same scrolls, as the original Jewish people of today who live in Israel. They are also waiting for Jesus to return. AND….. blood testing reveals they all have almost identical blood markings as the Old Jewish tribes that still live in Israel and never left Israel. I would assume this is something that can be researched.

I’m sure Mr. Imposter Netanyahu would have a conniption fit if this evidence was presented to him.

7 years ago
Reply to  Darnell

You are only regurgitating nonsense that was indoctrinated into you while calling others “ignorant”..Ethiopia was invaded &also taken over by Europeans <- a misnomer as this is actually western Asia – in ancient times and in recent history.. Do your research on what Sellasie the Throne usurper did.. Christianity is nothing but a perverted male chauvinist murder cult like all other religions.. Indigenous Afrikans never had spirituality / concepts of nature deity concepts that wasn't balanced ma'at male and female.. After all we were here hundreds of thousands of years before any Afrikan enslaving murdering pillaging & raping Religion reared it's ugly head in the motherland.. Nowadays u actually have Afrikans worshipping a white God and Jesus b/c of how brainwashed they were from childhood and u are no different..

5 years ago

There is no white God..The true essence of God is peace, love and forgiveness. People have manipulated Something good and twisted it over the centuries while doing cruel things and proclaimg God all the same.

Steven Osburn - Cherokee - Delaware
5 years ago

The Tulsa Race Massacre and the Osage Indian Murders

It was inside the Cherokee Nation. North of Admiral Blvd. in Tulsa is Cherokee Reservation to Denver Avenue on the West. South of Admiral Blvd. is the Creek Nation Reservation. The white men who were downtown were on the Creek Reservation and when they went over to the Greenwood District where Archer and Greenwood intersect they had unknowingly crossed the boundary and entered Cherokee Nation Reservation.

The Supreme Court recently said both Creek Nation Reservation and the Cherokee Reservation still exist and were never disestablished by the Dawes Act and allotment like the State of Oklahoma believed. This means the Tulsa Race Massacre or Race Riot was actually The Cherokee Nation Massacre and it occurred inside the Cherokee and Creek Reservations. Tulsa is originally a Creek settlement.

Just west of Denver is Osage Drive, the boundary of the Osage Reservation (Osage County). Some of the wealthiest African Americans in America who resided in the Greenwood District of Tulsa lived adjacent to the Osage Reservation and its tribal members who were the wealthiest people in the world at that time due to oil being discovered on their land west of the 98th Meridian.

The Osage retained their mineral rights unlike many other Indian tribes and their wealth attracted non-Indians who wanted to become their legal guardians and handle their finances. This resulted in several Osage tribal members being murdered.

The Osage Indian murders were a series of murders of Osage people in Osage County, Oklahoma during the 1910s–1930s; newspapers described the increasing number of unsolved murders as the “Reign of Terror,” lasting from 1921-1926. As a result, J. Edgar Hoover appointed the FBI to investigate and the Osage Indian Murders became the bureau’s first case.

The case which could return Eastern Oklahoma to Indian reservation status is Murphy vs. Carpenter and you can see it on YouTube here:

5 years ago

Looks like they found the mass grave of residence of Black Wall Street

5 years ago

I’m a white person from England, I’m utterly & downright ashamed to think that white people consider themselves of a higher intellectual mindset, when only a Neanderthal mindset would out rightly kill on colour of skin. I have a bi racial son myself & I have experienced some of the racism he has had to go through. Why isn’t this a Hollywood block buster with all proceeds going to the offspring of those involved. Pure utter evil, I hope God deals with these scumbags accordingly!!! Words cannot utter what an atrocitie this truly was!!!!

Rebecca Dewinter
5 years ago

The truth needs to be told.

Dr. Tim Adams Th. D.
7 years ago

Thank You !