The forgotten Black security guard who discovered the Watergate break in

Published on February 1, 2020 by

In 1974, Richard Nixon stepped down as president due to the infamous Watergate scandal. As there are many books, stories, and movies chronicling the event, it’s important to note about a Black man who actually kicked off the entire investigation.

His name was Frank Wills, and in 1972 he was a security guard at the Watergate office complex when he noticed something “off” about a masking tape placement on a stairwell door. He alerted authorities about a “break-in”, and the rest is history.

Too bad Wills was treated unfairly afterward. Watch the video above.

To read what happened after this event, click here.

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5 years ago

Sad he ended up working at a gas station yes black lives matter but we need to fight for our own people and stop taking s$$t

5 years ago

I remember well, Mr. Wills. At the time I was in a college class at a HBCU . Instructor said remember this name because you’ll probably never see it again.. and I didn’t for about 25 years lol