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J Edgar Hoover ending movement

How J. Edgar Hoover ended so many Black-led movements

5 years ago6,2908 1
Fred Hampton story

The Fred Hampton Story

5 years ago2,4324 0
Huey Newton 1988

Huey Newton reflects on the Black Panther Party, 1988

5 years ago5,1452 0
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party

How the MFDP (Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party) changed national politics, 1964

5 years ago1,7381 0
Freedom Schools started

How Freedom Schools were created (1959)

5 years ago2,3453 0
Emmett Till Photo published

How Emmett Till’s infamous photo got published

5 years ago1,5301 0
Hattie McDaniel 1st oscar winner

Hattie McDaniel – The first Black Oscar winner

5 years ago2,5071 1
Harriet Tubman's story explained kid

Harriet Tubman’s story explained by a kid

5 years ago3,2624 0
Black man invented video games

Did you know: A Black man invented the video game cartridge

5 years ago6,5109 0
My Best Friend is a Black Man

“My best friend is a black man”

5 years ago4,6061 0
Marcus Garvey FBI

How the FBI got its first Black agent, used to derail Marcus Garvey

5 years ago5,71927 1
Farrakhan National media 1985

A caller once asked why Min. Louis Farrakhan was on national media (1985)

5 years ago1,8142 0
Elijah Muhammad economic principles

The Economic Initiative of Elijah Muhammad

5 years ago4,7195 0
MLKs Speeches

A definitive collection of Dr. Martin Luther King’s speeches

5 years ago2,4424 0
Ali and MLK 1967

When 2 greats, Muhammad Ali and Dr. King, came together despite their differences (1967)

5 years ago1,9533 0
Country music African roots

Proof that Country music has African roots

5 years ago3,3294 0
Conspiracy to Destroy Black Boys

Countering The Conspiracy to Destroy Black Boys (1987) – Jawanza Kunjufu

5 years ago3,13710 1
The CIA Influenced Media

Operation Mockingbird – When the CIA influenced mainstream media

5 years ago3,6082 0
Carter G Woodson

A profile on Carter G. Woodson, father of Black History Month

5 years ago2,8724 0
Blackface history

The History of Blackface

5 years ago2,4845 0
Black Panther Party reeducation 1977

RARE: Black Panther Party re-educating kids (1977)

5 years ago5,40210 1
Jawanza Kunjufu said back in 1988

This was said back in 1988 (Must Listen)

5 years ago6,3904 0
Confederate Man Black Oprah

The time a Black man saves a Confederate Flag couple (RARE – 1997)

5 years ago3,0935 0
Nearest Green Jack Daniels Whiskey

Rare story of the former slave who created the Jack Daniel’s whiskey

5 years ago3,6783 1
black jockeys kentucky derby

Black Jockeys literally created the Kentucky Derby

5 years ago31,75795 14
Golf Tee Black Invention

Black people invented the Golf Tee (plus more inventions they didn’t teach you)

5 years ago3,5105 0
Black Hunger alabama 1968 b

Black hunger in Alabama, 1968

5 years ago2,1821 0
Black owned Banks post Great Depression

The depletion of Black-owned Banks post-Great Depression

5 years ago3,2382 1
Andrew Johnson worst US president

Why Andrew Johnson could be the worst president America ever had

5 years ago3,3022 0
1968 was WILD

American life was WILD in 1968

5 years ago1,6751 0
Muhammad Ali 1975 Harvard speech

Here’s Muhammad Ali’s legendary 1975 speech

5 years ago6,6645 0
Muhammad Ali 96 Olympics story

How Muhammad Ali ended up lighting the torch during the 1996 Atlanta Olympics

5 years ago2,6584 0
Jane Elliott a class divided 1985

Watch Jane Elliott’s classic – A Class Divided (1985)

5 years ago2,8121 0
Labor camp Belle Glade FL 1960

Crazy story about a labor camp in Belle Glade, FL 1960

5 years ago5,3591 0
Columbia TN race riot 1946

The 1946 Columbia, TN Race Riot

5 years ago3,0403 0
Racial Wealth Gap

A major reason why the Racial Wealth Gap exists in America today

5 years ago2,7022 0
NBA players boycotted 1964

NBA players nearly boycotted the 1964 All-Star game

5 years ago4,4521 0
Roseanne National Anthem

Roseanne’s National Anthem (1990)

5 years ago2,1212 1
Rosa Parks boycott in color

The Rosa Parks Bus Boycott in Color (1955-56)

5 years ago4,2367 0
ROC Classic scene

Check out this very classic scene from the ROC (1994)

5 years ago2,6221 0
Orangeburg Massacure 1968

Rare story of the 1968 Orangeburg Massacre

5 years ago2,2983 0
Ali's speech right after Vietnam refusal

Muhammad Ali’s 1967 speech after refusal to enter the draft

5 years ago2,4903 0
Kaepernick Explains why took a knee

Colin Kaepernick explains why he took a knee during the National Anthem (2016)

5 years ago2,5509 0
Black and part of 1 percent

I’m Black and a Member of the 1%

5 years ago2,4934 3
Freedom Rides

The 1961 Freedom Rides in Color (RARE)

5 years ago3,5971 0
Black own land Reconstruction

Black people really once had their own land, government, and military (Rare Story)

5 years ago24,860126 0
Clarence Thomas story

Clarence Thomas: The story of a Conservative Supreme Court Justice

5 years ago1,3961 0
Charlotte Hawkins Brown

Charlotte Hawkins Brown should NEVER be forgotten

5 years ago5,04825 0